Update, Queens Tales Sins Of The Past Collectors Edition V1.12.26.2014-Te

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Description :
For a long time, a war has boiled over between your dad's kingdom and that of the Elven King, yet now the tide has all of a sudden turned, and your dad has been detained! What's more terrible, the Elven King now needs you to be his lady! Time is running out before your wedding. Will you get away from the Elven King and free your dad? Anyhow don't rush to judge, for at the heart of this war lies a dim mystery, one that is covered profound inside your own particular past. You must unwind this puzzle and unmask the genuine reprobate, before it is past the point of no return!
•Help the Mage in the bonus game!
•View your achievements and collections!
•Get soundtracks, screensavers, and concept art
•Use the available Strategy Guide
•View your achievements and collections!
•Get soundtracks, screensavers, and concept art
•Use the available Strategy Guide
Biar teman tidak penasaran, lebih baik teman lihat dulu Screenshoot game Queens Tales Sins of The Past Collectors Edition ini.
Screenshot :
Queens Tales Sins of the Past Collector's Edition v1.12.26.2014-TE | 857 Mb
Date : 9/4/2015 | PC | ENG | Genre : Hidden Object | Publisher : BigFishGames
Date : 9/4/2015 | PC | ENG | Genre : Hidden Object | Publisher : BigFishGames
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